Marin See, Marin Do

After seeing the pattern for Marin, I really, really wanted to make it. I was going to wait until after I have my mom’s cardi finished, but after Monica came to SnB with hers and said we should do a knitalong, I was all on-board.


I’m using madelinetosh tosh merino light, which is a bit lighter than the sport-weight yarn called for in the pattern. But I’m sure it will be fine.

And look – it coordinates with my snazzy new pattern walled from Madbird:


This is the full-sized wallet, in the “Ghastly Night” print:

Madbird Pattern Wallet

And a peek at the inside – that’s a clear plastic pocket on the right side:

Madbird Pattern Wallet

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13 Responses to Marin See, Marin Do

  1. Chris says:

    Pattern wallet?! Who woulda thunk it?

  2. zeneedle says:

    I’m envious of your Marin start. I want to knit it so badly, but if I take my eye off my current knit it will only cause me twice the trouble. Love the new pattern wallet!

  3. Rachel says:

    I had the same reaction to this one but managed to control myself and forget all about it until I saw your post. Your start looks perfect and I love the yarn you use, it has the best drape in the world.

  4. Lynn in Tucson says:

    It’s in my queue, too! (But it will be a long while, I’m afraid.)

  5. Kitten says:

    I can never look at Ysolda’s patterns cuz I just sit there and think how adorable she is and then I forget to look at the knitting. Love that pattern sleeve, though.

  6. Cookie says:

    Adorable pattern wallet! Fingers crossed for the pattern.

  7. jill says:

    Beautiful start! And that pattern wallet! Isn’t that the coolest thing ever!

  8. Lauren says:

    What a cool pattern wallet, I love that.

  9. Monica says:

    Your Marin is looking lovely! I haven’t yet photo’d mine, and it is in a car headed for Oregon right now. (I’m not in the car with it.) I’m almost to the short rows.

  10. elizabeth says:

    That’s a very cool pattern pocket! I started Marin a couple of weeks ago but haven’t worked on it lately. I like it, just haven’t had the brainpower to do charts right now!

  11. Cary says:

    I did not know about Pattern Wallets! Great idea.

  12. Cary says:

    Hmm, my name is coming up as “Cary”. It’s Heather, accidentally impersonating my man. Weird. I’ll have to look into fixing that.

  13. Kym says:

    Okay. As I was first reading your post, I decided I wanted to knit Marin. As I continued reading, though, I was totally taken with the pattern wallet!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!

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