A Quickie

I find myself more in the mood for some small projects right now, so I’ve snuck in another one.

Camp Out Fingerless Mitts

Pattern: Camp Out Fingerless Mitts
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden, color 325 A, 1 skein
Needles: US 7/4.5mm
Ravelry: Project page

This is a clever pattern! You knit a 10-stitch strip of garter stitch, then join with a 3-needle bind-off or grafting.* Then you pick up stitches around one edge of the tube for the hand, and cast on a loop of stitches for the thumb gusset. From there, it’s just working downward, decreasing for the thumb gusset.

The pattern calls for stockinette all the way down to the cuff, but I finished with 3 rounds of 1×1 rib to keep it from rolling.

It’s a great project for that single skein of Noro Kureyon or Silk Garden hanging around in your stash, or for a bit (about 100 yards) of aran-weight handspun.

*I did the 3-needle bind-off. The small ridge created from the bind-off is barely noticeable in look or feel.

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8 Responses to A Quickie

  1. kitten says:

    Cute! They look snuggly. Plus your fingers are free so you can use sign language to communicate with a recalcitrant husband on the roof. 😉

  2. Stacey says:

    AHHHH! Another cute mitt pattern. You and Cookie have got to stop posting these!

  3. zeneedle says:

    I like the pink and gray!

  4. Cookie says:

    Lovely! And perfect for our weather!

  5. Chris says:

    I love that colorway!

  6. Pingback: Stumbling Over Chaos :: Linkity is pre-shivering today

  7. Heather says:

    I dig ’em.

  8. jill says:

    Oh, so perfect!

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