Origami Wednesday


Cookie made me do it

I had planned to make some Origami-ish slippers. Probably the Norwegian slipper type. (Although I want to make Nola’s Slippers, I didn’t know what their construction was, and didn’t think of them as being Origami-ish until Cookie posted about them today.)  Oh, and hey look… while linking to the pattern, I saw that there’s a modified version of those slippers, knit in the round.

Then I had the idea to make a knitted bunny with some dark brown angora yarn that I got in a yarn swap years ago. (Heh. Making a knitted bunny out of angora. The irony of it.) I knit my washcloth-sized square of fabric, and then attempted to turn it into a bunny. But the extreme furriness of the yarn, combined with the very dark color, made it look more like a dead rat.


Even worse were the flashbacks to my high school biology class in which we dissected muskrats. I threw the dead rat skin into the trash. (But later retrieved it, as I have an idea that may show up in the near future. Hee.)

The third time was the charm. I made this little pinwheel purse that’s based on an origami design.

Pinwheel Purse Pinwheel Purse

Of course, I’m not exactly sure what I’ll do with it. I suppose it could hold some “mad money” or a secret stash of chocolate.
Pinwheel Purse

Perhaps a nesting box for Hello Kitty?
Pinwheel Purse

Most likely I’ll use it as a little gift box for some tiny trinket.


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8 Responses to Origami Wednesday

  1. Monica says:

    Oh, I love it. I can’t wait to see what you do with your poor bunny/rat skin. LOL The little box is so cute! I showed Livi (a lover of origami, Hello Kitty, and chocolate) and she squealed “That is SO cute!”

  2. Cookie says:

    Stuff it full of catnip and make Princess a very happy kitty? 😀

    Love the little pink box, btw.

  3. zeneedle says:

    Everyone needs a secret chocolate stash!

  4. Suzy says:

    Barbie is going to find herself in the midst of a rat infestation…eeek.

  5. Kym says:

    I’m liking the chocolate stash idea. I might need one of those. . .

  6. kitten says:

    Put it inside one of the Pontiff’s little treasure boxes, That little angora…creature? was a little unfortunate.

  7. kitten says:

    Now I want someone (you) to knit an origami crane…

  8. Chris says:

    The wee box is adorable! I thought the other thing was a knitted toupee at first…

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