Walk With Me

It’s a beautiful spring day – how about taking a walk with me through Red Butte Garden?

There are lots of Lenten Roses and these lovely Pasque Flowers in bloom right now:
Pasque Flowers

The early daffodils and the dwarf iris have faded, but there are plenty of other varieties of daffodils in bloom and yet to come. I wonder how many daffodil bulbs they have – certainly in the tens of thousands – perhaps even in the hundreds of thousands:

Daffodils by the dozens

The paths are lovely to wander, with swaths of color on each side.

Garden Path

The cherry trees are in full bloom, with buzzing bees aplenty:

Cherry Tree in bloom

There are some very interesting flowers, like this odd green iris, which I barely noticed at first. A search tells me that it is called a “Snake’s Head Iris“:

Green Iris

Before leaving the garden, I spent a few minutes sitting by the pond, listening to the birds, and the murmur of the stream.


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6 Responses to Walk With Me

  1. Carole says:

    What a beautiful spot. We had more snow yesterday.

  2. Bonny says:

    Living in NJ, it didn’t seem like a visit to Red Butte Garden would be possible in the near future, but your walk is the next best thing! I’ve never seen Pasque flowers (interesting foliage!) and your daffodil and cherry tree photos are inspiring. Red Butte looks like a wonderful place; thanks for sharing!

  3. zeneedle says:

    Can you believe all the daffodils? Every time I take a walk through I am amazed there are more than the week before! It’s a spectacular time of year. We’re so fortunate to have such a dramatically gorgeous spot to walk and ogle.

  4. Marilyn says:

    Thank you! I needed some spring flowers right about now. 🙂
    Do the cherry trees smell wonderful as well as looking wonderful when they are blooming?

  5. susan says:

    227,000 daffodils (according to the website)

  6. Chris says:

    So, so, so nice to see color. It’s randomly 80F here and so dry we’re under a red flag fire weather warning.

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