Traveling and Traveling

I’ve been MIA due to some traveling, but I’m home now and catching up. Before leaving on my trip, my Traveling Buds cardigan was nearly finished – all I had left to do was half of the buttonhole band, but since I hadn’t purchased buttons yet, I wasn’t able to get it finished.

Yesterday I stopped by my LYS and found some buttons, and last night I finished it up. I probably won’t get a modeled shot before the weekend, but here it is:

Traveling Buds cardigan

I won’t bother with a shot of my traveling knitting, because it’s just a purple blob, but I did get about 70% of the way through a Haruni shawl.


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11 Responses to Traveling and Traveling

  1. Chris says:

    It’s gorgeous, even unmodeled! 🙂

  2. Heather says:

    Very cute, just in time for the hottest day of the year so far.

  3. elizabeth says:

    Very nice! I love the sleeves!

  4. Anonymous says:

    effing wordpress!
    The cardigan is elegant and classic. I think it will become a favorite for you!
    I did NO knitting on my trip. Too much fun, too close quarters (on airplanes), and lack of interest. Reading was easier to accomplish.

  5. zeneedle says:

    The comment was mine. drat it all

  6. Laurie says:

    That is a beauty! You will get lots of wear out of that. Got the idea you were traveling about. Hope it was fun!

  7. redsilvia says:

    Very pretty! I love that color, such a yummy hue. That will look great on you with your coloring.

  8. jill says:

    It looks like knitted chocolate! Love!

  9. vicki says:

    It’s beautiful!! Gorgeous color… I can’t wait to see it modeled.

  10. erin says:

    Lovely cardigan, so neat and impeccably knitted!

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